Meet the Amateurs
Everyone who parks their funky butt on the Game Casting Couch is an Amateur for Life. Who’s your favorite?
The man, the myth, and sometimes confused with the guy from the Legend of Zelda, Lynk is the host of Game Casting Couch. Lynk’s signature moves include useless trivia, dad jokes, and an incomprehensible fear of public restrooms. When he’s not rescuing princesses or outwitting boss monsters, Lynk can be found causing chaos with his legendary accordion.
Turn Ons:
The Nintendo Polish
Super Hero Landings
Blast Processing
Guilty Pleasures:
Sonic Adventure 2’s Butt Rock
Viewtiful Joe’s Plot

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Turn Ons:
Guilty Pleasures:
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Turn Ons:
Guilty Pleasures:

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Turn Ons:
Guilty Pleasures: